The Parish Council are delighted that the hard work of the dedicated volunteers who meet each Tuesday to keep Holmes Chapel Train Station looking its best was rewarded as they were presented with a Cheshire 2022 Best Kept Station Award.
The awards, now in their 20th year, are a tribute to all those who work to make their stations better places for their communities. As well as tending the floral displays at the station, the work done in producing leaflets and news articles throughout the year about the station was acknowledged with the group being awarded the prize in the "Northern Promoting Rail Award"
Tony Wright, who organises the volunteer group said "The Volunteers and Friends of Holmes Chapel Railway Station and Viaduct were pleased as punch to receive this award!"

(Pictured L - R - Volunteer Mike Street, who collected the award on behalf of the group, Station Manager Graham Blake, Volunteer Lyndsey Wright, Volunteer Tony Wright, Volunteer Geoffrey Males)
The volunteer group meet every Tuesday throughout the year, with additional visits on other days for litter picking and watering throughout the summer. They have sourced funding recently to replace the planters at the front of the station, and other recently improved areas on the station platform are establishing well. The group use perennial plants as much as possible, with some "summer colour" annuals being grown by the group from seed.
For full details of the Awards click here