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About Holmes Chapel Parish Council

Parish Councils are the first tier of local government and the closest to the community they serve. They are elected bodies with statutory and discretionary powers and rights to represent their communities and provide services for them. The number of councillors is fixed by the local Borough or Unitary Council.


Your village is represented by twelve parish councillors each of whom is elected for a term of up to four years by the electors of the parish. The last election was held in 2023. The Statement as to Persons Nominated for the current term (2033-27) can be accessed here. There is provision for by-election or co-option to the Council should the number fall below twelve members within that period.


The Council meets on a regular basis, usually on Thursday evenings in the Academy Suite of the Holmes Chapel Community Centre. There is public speaking time at the beginning of both Full council and committee meetings.


Three Committees form part of the cycle and cover Strategy and Finance, Amenities and Village Infrastructure. These are also held at the Holmes Chapel Community Centre.

Holmes Chapel Parish Council Structure

The functions of these various committees are described below.


Strategy & Finance Committee

  • Strategic Village Planning and Neighbourhood Plan monitoring

  • CEC Local Plan and other policy documents

  • s.106/CIL monitoring

  • Governance and Policies

  • Risk Management

  • Quality Council issues

  • Planning applications

  • Staffing matters

  • Councillor training

  • Community Resilience

  • HC Partnership

  • ChALC

  • Youth Council

  • Finance:

  • Budget setting and monitoring

  • Grants and Donations

  • Banking

  • Accounts package

  • Website


Amenities Committee

  • Community Centre

  • Monitoring and liaison of JMLC

  • Planning applications

  • Public transport

  • Leisure Centre (HCCS)

  • Play areas

  • Youth facilities including the Skate park

  • Dane Meadow including Friends of the Dane Meadow

  • Green and open spaces

  • Footpaths

  • Benches

  • Conservation area

  • Health and Social services

  • Education Liaison


Village Infrastructure Committee

  • Planning applications

  • Office maintenance

  • Police

  • CCTV

  • Christmas lights and tree

  • Garden competition

  • General maintenance including:

    • Planted areas

    • Lengthsman

    • Village Volunteers

    • Street signage

  • Highways including:

    • Road safety

    • Street lighting

    • SIDs

    • Speedwatch

    • Car parks

    • Traffic issues


The Council also has the following sub-committees and working task groups:

Holmes Chapel Parish Council and Partnership Strategy

Holmes Chapel Parish Council and Holmes Chapel Partnership have created a vision for Holmes Chapel which is used as a guide to look at the future of Holmes Chapel.


Core Purpose

Holmes Chapel Parish Council and Holmes Chapel Partnership exist to enhance the community and infrastructure of the village. We will encourage community spirit and community participation in everything we do.



Holmes Chapel will be a vibrant and prosperous hub of the local rural community, offering an attractive place to live, work and play for people of all ages.


Strategic Focus

The strategic focus to deliver and achieve our vision will be:

  • To provide a sustainable living environment which embraces the local infrastructure and surrounding countryside

  • To promote a prosperous local economy

  • To encourage culture, recreation and sport

  • To maintain a healthy and safe environment

  • to encourage a community spirit and community participation


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