Strategic Planning
Holmes Chapel Neighbourhood Plan
Holmes Chapel Neighbourhood Plan is "Made"
Following the Referendum on March 9th, Holmes Chapel voted decisively in favour of the Neighbourhood Plan, with 97% of voters saying YES to the Plan! 41.5% of registered voters turned out to vote at the 4 polling stations across the village, with a total of 1985 votes being cast, including postal votes.
Cheshire East Council formally "Made" our Neighbourhood Plan on April 18th 2017.
This means the Plan is now a statutory planning document and its policies have to be considered when assessing any new planning applications within the Village.
The Strategic Planning Task Group is currently reviewing our Neighbourhood Plan, with a view to possibly updating it. For information about this group and to access the minutes of their meetings please click here
Supporting Documents:
Press Release 13/03/2017
Holmes Chapel Neighbourhood Plan 2016 - 2030
Examiner's Report on Holmes Chapel Neighbourhood Plan
Supporting Documents
Cheshire East Local Plan
In addition to our Neighbourhood Plan, Cheshire East have a Local Plan, which was adopted in July 2017. The Local Plan sets planning policies and allocates sites for development. It is part of the statutory development plan for Cheshire East and is the basis for deciding planning applications. The Local Plan covers a range of matters including the number and location of new homes; the amount and location of employment land; protection and improvement of important open areas; provision of new infrastructure; and improvement of town centres and community facilities in the borough.
Click here to download the Local Plan