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We want your views!

Holmes Chapel Youth Council is part of the Parish Council and consists of a group of young people from the village who wish to try and make improvements for the youth of Holmes Chapel.

An initiative began back in 2019, whereby the Youth Council approached the Holmes Chapel Partnership and Parish Council about installing a youth shelter in the village. The Partnership conducted a survey with pupils from the comprehensive school and obtained 145 responses. This questionnaire asked when a shelter would be used, the ideal spot for one and they type of shelter preferred. Covid then intervened and this project was put on hold.

The new 2022 Youth Council have resurrected the project and sent another survey out amongst their peers, again asking about type, location and times of use. 236 responses were received. As a result of the positive responses from both surveys, the Youth Council have approached the Parish Council to see if a shelter might be installed in the village.

A Shelter is a covered seating area, with the aim of being a place where people can spend time together.

We wish to gather your views on whether a dedicated youth shelter or a shelter that is more accessible to the wider community could be an appropriate addition to the village.

We would be very grateful if you could complete this questionnaire by 31st January 2023. You can complete the questionnaire online using the below link:

Paper copies are available at the Parish Office or Library.



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