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Close Pass Operation

Residents have raised concerns over the safety of cycling around the village of Holmes Chapel and have shared those with the Parish Council, in particular our Village Infrastructure Committee.

The Parish Council wrote to the Police and Crimes Commissioner, sharing videos received of cyclists facing near misses when cycling around the village. As a result, Cheshire Police organised a Close Pass Operation on the morning of 8th November. The aim was to raise awareness and educate drivers on how much space should be left when overtaking a cyclist and how to overtake them safely.

A plain clothed officer cycled around the village with a radio and video equipment, supported by officers. Drivers who passed too close were then spoken to by the police. The operation was successful with 20 drivers being advised during the two hour operation and one person arrested for drug driving.

This operation was supported by colleagues from the Cheshire Fire Services.

The Parish Council is grateful to the Police and Fire Services for carrying out this operation after listening to the concerns of our residents.



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