Most of the work we do here at the Parish Council is reliant on members meeting to make decisions on the various projects we undertake. As of May last year, we have been up and running, with all our Council and committee meetings being held remotely via ZOOM, at the usual time of 7pm on a Thursday. Some decisions must be made by the Full Council, who meet usually every 6 weeks. However, a lot of the detail is determined at committee level; our councillors sit on at least one committee as well as being obliged to attend the meetings of the Full Council. We have three committees - Village & Infrastructure (VI), Amenities and Strategy & Finance. They all have delegated authority to consider planning applications, and more can be found out about the committees responsibilities here:
The VI and Amenities committees meet between each Council meeting, with Strategy & Finance convening once per quarter and for budget setting.
Agendas for all our meetings are published three working days before the meeting - on a Friday usually - and are available both on this website as well as being displayed on the noticeboard by the office. All of these meetings are public, and there is provision at every meeting to hear from members of the public who wish to come along and raise any issues or concerns with the Parish Council.
The minutes from the meeting are published as soon as possible after the meeting and normally are on the website by the middle of the following week.
We are always glad to see members of the public at any of our meetings.
