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Update from Holmes Chapel Health Centre Patient Panel

The following update is provided by the Holmes Chapel Patient Panel:

Patient Panel Update

Health Centre Redevelopment

All building work is complete and the refurbishment is progressing well. Many of you will have seen the improvements to the Dispensary and the Reception which allow the staff to work much more effectively. We expect full completion by the end of March.

Flu Vaccines

We still have supplies of the flu vaccine that are available to anyone 50 years old and above or those in vulnerable groups. It is still not too late to get the jab – just call the Health Centre for an appointment.

Tier 4

The move to Tier 4 will have little impact on the services of the Health Centre – it is very much “business as usual”. Appointments with doctors or other clinicians will continue to be available, initially via telephone triaging. You are still allowed to leave your home to collect prescriptions from the Dispensary or to visit for a face-to-face appointment if your GP feels that it is necessary. We continue to try to minimise the footfall in the building.

Covid-19 Vaccines

At the time of writing the situation is very fluid. Currently, vaccination is being done through our PCN (primary care network, being Holmes Chapel with the 3 Congleton practices). All GP practices follow the guidance of the JCVI (Joint Committee on Vaccination and Immunisation of the Department of Health). As of early January, the Covid vaccination is only being given to those 80 years old and above and some vulnerable groups (including care home and some front-line NHS staff). The approval of the AstraZeneca/Oxford vaccine is a game changer. The next tranche for vaccination will be 75-year-olds and over; followed by 70-year-olds and over. When you become eligible for vaccination you will be contacted by the PCN. Please do not phone the Practice. At the Health Centre we will continue to comply with the guidance of the JCVI, which will be consistent with the government briefings as the vaccination programme is rolled out.

Finally, on behalf of the Practice and of the Patient Panel, I wish you all a safe and healthy New Year.

John Wilson, Chair, Holmes Chapel Health Centre Patient Panel



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